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My online column/blog, Sportin' Life - now rechristened as The SEVEN - has appeared on various sites for years, and became the basis for my first book, Sportin' Life: Essays on Sport and Life. My second book is entitled Voices From The Blue States - and my forthcoming children's book to be published in 2012 will be entitled "Jackie Robinson and the Negro Leagues." I am currently developing a TV sitcom, to be entitled Joyful Noize, as well as a comedy/drama entitled No Place Like Home. For more info e-mail me at mcwstar@aol.com.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Race To The Top

October 2nd, 2011

I. Race To The Top

Before we anoint New Jersey Governor Chris Christie our president-in-waiting, Republican nominee-in-waiting, or even candidate-in-waiting, I would submit that before he gives a presidential run any more consideration, he ought try to master leading New Jersey first. If in his Palin-like time in office he has lost out on up to $400 million for New Jersey in "Race To The Top" federal education money, and pulled the plug on all of the jobs to be created by a much-needed Hudson River rail tunnel - for which he is now returning $95 million in already-allocated cash to New York, to boot - what would make you think he is ready to at the very least, be the Republican standard-bearer?

II. Jeopardy

The correct response, were this Jeopardy, would be "Who Is Rick Perry?" Perry thinks Social Security is a "Ponzi scheme" - but the really illicit and, quite frankly, almost un-American scheme is to cut the legs out from under the poor while propping up the rich.

And, by the way, what's this about his family leasing a place known as "N-word Head?"

III. Wheel Of Fortune

Somewhere Dick Allen, Rick Wise and Cookie Rojas…and even crazy Senator Jim Bunning must be either smiling or breathing easier; the epic stretch run collapse of the 1964 Philadelphia Phillies has been just about simultaneously matched by the Boston Red Sox in the American League and the Atlanta Braves in the National League. What is most unfortunate, regarding the Red Sox, is that manager Terry Francona - he of their two recent World Series wins - has been let go as a result. Let's be real…they weren't going to win it all this year even had they made the playoffs, so why fire him?

IV. Be Careful What You Ask For

While the Red Sox were imploding, Yankee fans were more than gleeful, with many hoping that the Tampa Bay Rays would, indeed, catch the Sox and knock them out of the playoffs. Were it me, I would have been hoping - given how badly the Sox were playing - that they made it in. (In fact, I was kind of hoping they would make it...I'll miss seeing Big Papi in the playoffs.)

As things turned out, you now have a red-hot Tampa Bay team that has essentially been playing playoff baseball - out of necessity - for a month. My prediction is that they will continue on a roll and run through the Texas Rangers. In the other American League Division Series, the Yankees have a better lineup than the Detroit Tigers but their pitching continues to be questionable behind C.C. Sabathia. Bottom line is if they can get the ball to Mariano Rivera, they win; if not, they lose.

V. The X Factor

You can almost say the same thing - potentially dangerous playoff team - about the St. Louis Cardinals, who came from way back to catch the Braves. The only difference is that their first round opponent is the 2011 Phillies, whose great starting pitching may enable them to do what their '64 brethren could not. (But perhaps the better Philly analogy might be with the '83 Sixers, they of the "four-five-four" Moses Malone prediction.) In the other Division Series, I look to see the Milwaukee Brewers defeat the Arizona Diamondbacks and go on to face the Phils in the NL Championship Series.

VI. Speed Racer

Well, it has happened as I thought. After 50 seasons the Mets finally have a batting champion - and it is free agent Jose Reyes. Reyes played so well - even taking into account the varied injuries which continue to give Mets' management pause - that it places the Mets into a situation in which they cannot afford to let him go. They can't afford to lose his production and they can't afford the public relations fallout if he walks. From a fan's standpoint, Reyes has made his way into the Strawberry/Gooden realm of Mets…you hardly want to watch if he is out. Congratulations…job well done!

VII. Scraping The Bottom

I could not close The SEVEN at this time without making mention of the late Troy Davis. I still cannot understand why we - they, to be exact - were in such a rush to send this man to his grave. He wasn't going anywhere…he was in jail, where he'd been for years.

If I step on your foot, I can tell you that I'm sorry. My bad. I'll try not to do it again.

There is no "my bad" once someone's dead.

Should we subsequently find out that Davis was not the killer of officer MacPhail, I would suggest that the governor, the district attorney, and the members of the Georgia Parole Board be jailed. Since they are so much in favor of punitive punishment, perhaps it should be applied - to some extent - to them.

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