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About Me

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My online column/blog, Sportin' Life - now rechristened as The SEVEN - has appeared on various sites for years, and became the basis for my first book, Sportin' Life: Essays on Sport and Life. My second book is entitled Voices From The Blue States - and my forthcoming children's book to be published in 2012 will be entitled "Jackie Robinson and the Negro Leagues." I am currently developing a TV sitcom, to be entitled Joyful Noize, as well as a comedy/drama entitled No Place Like Home. For more info e-mail me at mcwstar@aol.com.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Some Random Thoughts Across North America

During my recent whirlwind trip to Ottawa I wound up passing through Montreal for the first time since I was a teen. Montreal is a beautiful place and I hope to get back soon to see it as an adult...but unfortunately one of the things I saw there as a teen that I will not see there again is an home game of the Montreal Expos.

My first memory of the Expos is their first-ever game in 1969, as they were defeating my Mets 11-10...so I began with issues with them. That said, I loved watching games from Montreal and hearing the public address announcer speak in French and English, especially when Rusty Staub - "Le Grand Orange" - came to bat. The Expos became very good through the years, but over time attendance dwindled in this town where it's Habs and hockey first, and all else way down the line - and now the former Expos are the Washington Nationals. I guess I'm sorry in part because of the historical role the town of Montreal played in the integration of the major leagues.

After Jackie Robinson was signed by Branch Rickey, he was targeted to spend the next season in the Dodgers' farm system - and Rickey correctly selected the Montreal Royals as the ideal team in the ideal town for Robinson to join. Robinson was beloved by the fans of Montreal, and was carried around the field on their shoulders after the team won the Little World Series. Too bad MLB had to go...but to Montreal - thanks!


Thank you to President Obama...glad we're out of Iraq...well not totally out of Iraq, but I'll take what I can get for now. When combat operations were concluded, some clowns stated that Obama needed to thank Bush, et al, for the "surge" strategy that made the draw down possible. That makes about as much sense as thanking the arsonist for calling 911.


So people are upset that Obama checked "Black" on his census form, given that he is of a mixed background. His background is well-documented - he documented it himself within his books! - so there is no lack of knowledge of his love for his mom and his maternal grandparents. But then when I see Tea Party rally attendees' signs depicting him in an obviously racist manner and/or using the "N"-word, or hear Newt Gingrich refer to his behavior as "Kenyan," or see Republican members of Congress signing on to the "birther" madness, I'm wondering what you expect. I mean, you say and do these things which more than imply that you think he's Black...and now you're mad because he checks "Black" on the form? Gimme a break!


Every time I see Armando Galarraga, I STILL think that the official scorer should give him an error on the play. We know he didn't make an error, but had that play been an error, Galarraga would have wound up with a no-hitter, if not the perfect game he deserved. Is it really too late to do that?

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